Why you shouldn't listen to my advice.
Listen to the advice of few.
Look at the fruit of another man’s life and determine whether or not you want the same in yours.
Do they have a “fatty bank account” but their spouse is miserable and their kids hate them?
Do they have “a successful business” but their employees would gladly trade a day at work for paper cuts in-between each of their fingers?
Do they have “the laptop lifestyle” and the “perfect Instagram”?
But if you actually got to know them,
You’d find that they are simply running from their past…
Trying to impress people who don’t even care,
And attempting to find something that will give their life meaning and purpose.
Run everything through YOUR unique filters for the kind of life YOU want to live.
What is the emotional texture* you want to experience on a day-to-day basis?
Here’s what it all comes down to for me…
If you don’t value and respect what I have to say because it doesn’t align with what you want and where you want to go…
Then STOP reading my emails…
STOP watching my videos…
DON’T buy any of my programs…
DON’T even consider booking an Office Day.
And most importantly…
STOP wasting your time.
You can never get it back!
You’ve likely heard the saying, “You are what you eat”… same goes for your mind…
Be very aware of your mind’s diet.
What you watch,
Listen to,
The people you hang out with,
The situations and environments you place yourself in...
All of it matters.
You know how I can tell what your brain consumes?
It’s easy to test and hard to unsee…
From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
- Proverbs
Much love,
PS - I stole the phrase “Emotional Texture” from Cody Casperson… thanks Cody for allowing me to sound cooler than I am ;)
Whenever you're ready...
1. Subscribe on YouTube: Come watch as I make a fool of myself trying to figure out how to create useful videos for you.
2. Reserve an Office Day: Parts of your business feel like they're not on "maintenance mode"?... We'll spend a day together working on optimizing the areas of your business that need it most.
3. Hire a Remote Executive Assistant (Quarter/Part-Time): Imagine freeing up an additional 10-20 hours of your week. Hiring the right Executive Assistant is a game changer... sometimes it even feels like cheating!